Oct 10, 2008

in silent nights

my silent nite
always fully filled with
screams of nite lives
shadowy and creamy lite of moon
hissing nite wind biting my bones
a sleeping cry and sigh of the baby

my silent nite
always fully filled with
intoxicated contemplation
beautiful sadness
serene loneliness
emptiness of life

my silent nite
always fully filled with
un-answered questions
restless mind
fear of life
irked feeling
unsatisfied ambition

my silent nite
always fully filled with
an intimate conversation with the Beloved One,
no bureaucracy……
Only moans and grievance,
a cry out for help
all is out with no hesitance………..

In my silent nite
once in a while, I am filled with…
sadness and bitterness
wavy heart
fear of future life

my silent nite
a longing stillness of my life……..

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